December 6, 2022

In April, we kicked Vladimir Putin off the U.N. Human Rights Council. Now we're about to kick his friend Ayatollah Khamenei off the U.N. Women's

In April, we kicked Vladimir Putin off the U.N. Human Rights Council. Now we're about to kick his friend Ayatollah Khamenei off the U.N. Women's

Why do the New York Times and other major media continue to get the story so wrong when it comes to #Iran? As exposed here

Dear @AlenaDouhan: You went to Tehran in May and used your UN human rights position to blame all of Iran's problems on sanctions by Western

.@MinColonna @hadjalahbib @Kandiacamara_Of @MakossoAnatole Allez-vous voter pour expulser le régime iranien de la Commission des droits de la femme de l'ONU ? Le vote aura

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