December 7, 2022

It's time for @UN_Women and the international community to understand: in Iran women cannot sing a solo, dance in public, ride a bike, show their

Our trains running throughout Geneva are now educating the UN diplomatic community how — contrary to the regime's propaganda swallowed whole by the New York

The train has left the station: ahead of next week's vote to oust the Islamic Republic of Iran from the UN Women's Rights Commission, every

Next week on December 14 will be the chance for the United Nations to undo one of the most grotesque decisions in the history of

Next week on December 14 will be the chance for the United Nations to undo one of the most grotesque decisions in the history of

History will record that the New York Times collaborated with and propagated the misinformation campaign of the Islamic Regime in Iran — the lie that

When Iran becomes a free country, Ambassador Carla María Rodríguez Mancia should receive a medal for her courage and leadership in taking a principled stand

UN Watch