Focus on Iran (only social media & video)

HONTEUX: la République islamique d'Iran a reçu la présidence du Forum social du Conseil des droits de l’homme. Le thème cette année ? Technologie &

Last week Masih Alinejad at the United Nations called to kick IRI murderers off social media. Now the same UN just made Iran the Chair

BREAKING: The Islamic Republic of Iran was today appointed Chair of the U.N. Human Rights Council Social Forum. This year's theme is technology and promotion

🇮🇷 The Islamic Regime in Iran executed two men for “crimes of blasphemy, insulting Islam and other sanctities.” According to the judiciary, the two ran

UN rights chief @volker_turk condemns “abominable” surge in executions by Iran. The hanging of Yousef Mehrdad & Sadrollah Fazeli Zare for “apostasy” on social media

🇮🇷 The Islamic Regime in Iran executed 10 people across the country on May 3, while seven others face imminent execution after being transferred to

3/ History will also record that on the crucial U.N. vote to expel Iran’s misogynistic regime from the U.N. Women’s Rights Commission, the largest and

AXIS OF SHAME — Governments that voted No this week on the resolution expelling the Islamic Regime in Iran from the U.N. Women’s Rights Commission:

UN Watch