Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic
UN Body
General Assembly
Session Type
GA Regular
Agenda Item
Country Concerned
- This resolution strongly condemns Syria for serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, some of which may amount to war crimes, including use of chemical weapons and attacks on civilians. The resolution contains no praise.
Main Sponsors
United States, Qatar
Yes - 88, No - 16, Abstain - 73, Absent - 16
Key Praise
Key Criticism
- "Deplores and condemns in the strongest terms the continued armed violence by the Syrian regime against its own people since the beginning of the peaceful protests in 2011..."
- "Strongly condemning the reported killing of detainees in Syrian military intelligence facilities..."
- "Strongly condemns the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic, demands that all parties desist from any use or preparation of chemical weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic..."
- " Demands that the Syrian regime adhere fully to its international obligations, including the requirement that it declare in full its chemical weapons program..."
- "Deplores and condemns in the strongest terms the continued widespread and systematic gross violations and abuses of human rights and fundamental freedoms and all violations of international humanitarian law by the Syrian regime..."
- "Condemns unequivocally all attacks and violence against journalists and media workers by the Syrian regime..."
- "Strongly condemns the persistent and widespread use of sexual and genderbased violence, abuse and exploitation, such as in government detention centres..."
Full Vote
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