Implementation of Human Rights Council resolution 31/36
UN Body
Human Rights Council
Session Type
HRC Regular
Agenda Item
Country Concerned
- This resolution perpetuates the Human Rights Council's discriminatory database of companies doing business with Israeli settlements by requesting funding for the mandate and annual updates from the High Commissioner. This UNHRC database unfairly singles out Israel and targets it for economic harm. The Human Rights Council does not produce a database of companies doing business in any other occupied territory or conflict area.
Main Sponsors
Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Yes - 31, No - 3, Abstain - 13, Absent - 0
Key Praise
Key Criticism
- "Recalling Human Rights Council resolution 31/36 of 24 March 2016, in which the Council requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to produce a database of all business enterprises involved in the activities detailed in paragraph 96 of the report of the independent international fact-finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem."
- "Requests the Secretary-General to allocate the financial and human resources and expertise necessary to enhance the capacity of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to ensure that the mandate given by the Human Rights Council in its resolution 31/36 is fully implemented, and requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to ensure that the yearly updates of the database include addition and removal of companies, and to present the database on an annual basis to the Council starting from its fifty-seventh session."
Full Vote
- Algeria
- Argentina
- Bangladesh
- Belgium
- Bolivia
- Chile
- China
- Costa Rica
- Ivory Coast
- Cuba
- Eritrea
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Honduras
- India
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Luxembourg
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mexico
- Morocco
- Pakistan
- Qatar
- Senegal
- Somalia
- South Africa
- Sudan
- United Arab Emirates
- Uzbekistan
- Vietnam
- Czechia
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Benin
- Cameroon
- Finland
- France
- Georgia
- Germany
- Lithuania
- Malawi
- Montenegro
- Nepal
- Paraguay
- Romania
- Ukraine