February 14, 2022

EXPOSED: The head of a new U.N. inquiry into alleged Israeli discrimination is already on record denouncing Israel for “discrimination, domination and systemic oppression” of

EXPOSED: Navi Pillay heads a UN inquiry into alleged Israeli discrimination, but she already declared Israel “an apartheid state.” Hillel Neuer: “Asking Navi Pillay to

Accordingly, today we are calling on Navi Pillay to recuse herself. In the event that she refuses to do so, we request Federico Villegas, the

If the United Nations and its Human Rights Council are to live up to their founding principles of universality, impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity, then Navi

It is frankly impossible to imagine how Navi Pillay could lead an impartial investigation into the events of April-May 2021, as well as into alleged

A reasonable person would consider Navi Pillay to be partial, thereby disqualifying her from serving as a member of the inquiry. — Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer)

As a former judge on international tribunals, Pillay must know that their precedents disqualify judges who made prior, partisan statements declaring the culpability of one

Navi Pillay needs to consider the principles she was sworn to uphold. We are calling on her to respect the impartiality obligations of the UN

The legal test is the appearance of bias, and there’s no doubt that Pillay fails the test. We are therefore calling on her to do

Asking Navi Pillay to head an inquiry examining Israel is like asking a vegetarian to review a steakhouse. When it comes to Israel, as our

From her statements, it is clear that in Pillay’s eyes, Israel is a cruel and oppressive colonizer, and a racist regime. Her narrative of who

By heading this inquiry despite having repeatedly declared Israel guilty of precisely the crimes that she is supposed to investigate, Navi Pillay today embodies the

UN Watch