
Following the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody for allegedly violating appropriate dress code, Iranians have taken to the streets to protest against a murderous regime. 

Led by brave Iranian women, protesters demand accountability and fundamental human rights. Hundreds were killed by the government’s bloody crackdown. 


Iran Should Not be President of the U.N. Council on Disarmament

On Monday March 18th, the presidency of the U.N. Conference on Disarmament will be handed over to the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

Urge all world leaders to STOP legitimizing a radical regime that sponsors terrorism around the globe, kills its own people for protesting for their human rights, and is racing to build a nuclear bomb to threaten the world.

Call on all Ambassadors to walk out of the U.N. chamber when the Islamic Republic takes over as president.


Stop the Islamic Republic of Iran from Chairing U.N. Human Rights Council Forum

The Islamic Republic of Iran was appointed Chair of the United Nations Human Rights Council Social Forum, starting on November 2, 2023. UN Watch organized a global campaign which collected 120,000 signatures to ask the UN: How can you elevate a regime that beats, blinds, tortures and rapes women who demand their rights? Where is the logic? Where is the morality?

UN Watch has been a leading voice on social media

UN Watch Side Event:
Standing With Iranian Women

On March 10, 2023, as the UN Commission on the Status of Women convened in New York for the first time since Iran was expelled from that body, UN Watch and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights hosted a side event to pay tribute to those who contributed to this achievement, and to hear from leading voices on how the world can show solidarity for the women of Iran, and the people of Iran. 

UN Watch Press Conference:
Iranian Human Rights Defenders and Victims

On December 13, 2023, a high-level delegation of Iranian diaspora women, including international lawyers, human rights advocates, geopolitical experts, celebrities, and victims of Iran’s gender apartheid regime, held a counter-narrative press conference on the sidelines of the UN Global Refugee Forum.

How Iran was Expelled from the U.N. Women's Rights Commission

UN Watch led the effort to expel the Islamic Republic of Iran from the UN Commission on the Status of Women. 

Several democratic countries have echoed the call to demand the removal of Iran from the top UN women’s rights body. Among them: New Zealand, Canada, the United States, and the Netherlands.

A month after UN Watch introduced its draft resolution, the United States requested a special meeting of the ECOSOC to terminate Iran’s membership to the Commission. The UN Commission members convened on December 14, 2022, and voted to expel Iran from the body.

Human Rights Council Special Session on the deterioration of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Following Iran’s deadly crackdown against peaceful protestors and the ensuing humanitarian crisis, Germany and Iceland led a coalition of 44 UN member states calling for an emergency session on the deteriorating situation of human rights in Iran, especially with respect to women and children. 

The United Nations Human Rights Council, which is based in Geneva, held an urgent session on Thursday, November 24, 2022. A strong resolution condemning the Islamic Republic was adopted by an overwhelming majority of the 47-member-state body.

During the urgent session, UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer took the floor to refute the lies and misinformation of the Tehran regime’s delegate. 

Iranian Activists at the Geneva Summit
for Human Rights and Democracy

Every year, brave dissidents who speak out against some of the world’s worst human rights abusers are brought together in Geneva. 

UN Watch leads a coalition of more than 25 human rights NGOs in organizing the annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy and providing a voice for the voiceless. Throughout the years, courageous Iranians have spoken out against the murderous Ayatollah regime.

"It's the start of the end for the Islamic Republic"

UN Watch