September 16, 2022

🇨🇺 Cuba tells the U.N. Human Rights Council: "We reject the issuance of an illegitimate report against the People's Republic of China, the result of

🇨🇳 China tells the U.N. Human Rights Council: “Xinjiang enjoys security, social stability and the promise of development where all ethnic groups are living in

Human Rights

A Day in the Life of the UNHRC

Share: Instagram Post | Story Just so you know who this UN “independent human rights expert” is, last year @AlenaDouhan accepted a $200,000 donation from 🇨🇳

🇨🇳 China tells UNHRC: "The so-called 'forced labor' has not existed anywhere in China, including Xinjiang. The Chinese government always adheres to the people-centered development

Just so you know who this UN “independent human rights expert” is, last year @AlenaDouhan accepted a $200,000 donation from 🇨🇳 China — when she

UN Watch