« I see no objection »: UN adopts report praising Qatar’s human rights record after UN Watch lists objections
Intervention by UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer in debate over UN Human Rights Council report on Qatar’s human rights record, September 19, 2014
Thank you, Mr. President. Today we ask: Does the cause of human rights support — or object to — the adoption of today’s UN Human Rights Council report on Qatar’s human rights record?
Let me read from the report:
“China appreciated the efforts expended by Qatar to promote and protect human rights.”
“Bangladesh praised Qatar for the progress made in empowering women.”
“Iran commended Qatar on its integrated social development, and for improving the situation of women.”
“Sudan applauded the steps taken by Qatar.”
“Turkey commended the progress achieved by Qatar in human rights.”
Mr. President, no less than 78 out of the 84 country statements in this report offer praise for the human rights record of Qatar. That’s over 90 percent.
Yet the truth, Mr. President, is the opposite.
Let us be clear: The truth is that the 1.4 million migrant workers in Qatarobject to this report because they are dying at the rate of one a day from inhuman conditions. At the current pace, more than 4,000 migrant workers will die to build the infrastructure for Qatar’s 2022 World Cup.
The truth is that the women of Qatar object to this report because they are denied basic rights to equality, for example denied the right to be elected to the Shura legislative council.
The truth is that journalists and aid workers who are abducted by the ISIS terrorist group and face beheading object to this report. In the words of Germany’s development aid minister, Gerd Mueller, from August 20th: “Who is financing these troops? Hint: Qatar.”
The truth is that the Palestinians, Israelis ,and other victims of Hamas war crimes — their exploitation and targeting of civilian populations, mosques, hospitals and schools — object to this report.
As one Arab diplomat said to the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), as quoted in its testimony before the U.S. Congress, “Qatar finances Hamas strongly.”
Mr. President, for all of these reasons, let me be clear: the victims of human rights abuse around the world object to the adoption of this report.
Thank you, Mr. President.
President of UNHRC Session: May I now propose that the Council adopt the decision of the UPR on Qatar as appears on screen. I see no objection. The decision is adopted.