Speaking truth to power



French writer and journalist Caroline Fourest delivers a speech for the opening of the general assembly of secularism in Paris on April 20, 2021. (Photo by Bertrand GUAY / various sources / AFP)

Caroline Fourest

Caroline Fourest is a director, teacher, columnist, co-founder of the journal ProChoix, and editor of the Franc-Tireur magazine. After the terror attack on Charlie Hebdo, Fourest attempted to show the magazine’s Mohammad cover on British television, only to be censored by Sky News. She has since received death threats for her work on Islamism and for signing the ‘Manifesto Against Totalitarianism’ alongside Salman Rushdie. She has written in Le Monde, France Culture, Marianne, and Charlie Hebdo among other publications and is an esteemed essayist. Her writings have won her several awards.


  • 7th Geneva Summit

    February 23, 2015
UN Watch