Issue 468: UN Declares ‘Year of Palestine’, Adopts 6 Resolutions on Israel; Rest of the World: 0

In This Issue:

  • UN Declares ‘Year of Palestine’, Adopts 6 Resolutions on Israel; Rest of the World: 0
  • Ban Ki-moon Rejects Interpreter’s Critique of Anti-Israel Bias
  • UN Watchs Interpreter Video Goes Viral Worldwide, Declared ‘One of the best of all time’; Israeli PM Netanyahu Plays Clip to Cabinet Meeting

UN condemns Israel 6 times, declares ‘Year of Palestine’
The UN General Assembly yesterday condemned Israel in six resolutions, the most significant of which declares 2014 a “Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian people.” Another text absurdly call for Golan residents to be handed over to the murderous Assad regime. No other country in the world was criticized. Read Times of Israel op-ed by Hillel Neuer here.
Ban Ki-moon Rejects Interpreter’s Critique of Anti-Israel Bias
UN chief Ban Ki-moon has rejected the criticism by a UN interpreter caught on an open microphone, saying through a spokesman that he “respects the right of [UN] member states” to adopt resolutions against Israel, which “need to be upheld by all countries.” But given that Ban himself has firmly criticized the singling out of Israel by UN bodies such as the Human Rights Council, UN Watch expressed disappointment at the secretary-general’s failure to support the UN interpreter’s virtually identical, candid and entirely correct observations. Full story here.
UN Watch’s Interpreter Video Goes Viral Worldwide, Declared ‘One of the best of all time’; Israeli PM Netanyahu Plays Clip to Cabinet Meeting
By Hillel Neuer
Something happened at the United Nations that in my ten years of monitoring the world body I have never seen before.
On November 14th, as the U.N. General Assembly was gleefully adopting 9 anti-Israel resolutions in a single day—and zero on the rest of the world—a U.N. interpreter wondered aloud about the absurdly disproportionate focus placed on the Jewish state. Unaware her microphone was on, the interpreter said:

“I think when you have…a total of ten resolutions on Israel and Palestine, c’est un peu trop, non? [It’s a bit much, isn’t it?] There’s other really bad sh-t happening — but no one says anything about the other stuff.”

The truth is often lost in translation—but not this time.
UN Watch captured the moment on video, broke the story worldwide, and—using our unique network of media platforms and influential contacts—caused the coverage to go viral.
Twitter, Facebook, Youtube—our video is now being shared everywhere.
National Review senior editor Jay Nordlinger in a column today hailed it as‘One of the best of all time.’

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  • Thanks to UN  Watch, hundreds of thousands have watched the clip on the Internet—and it’s still spreading. Supporters of fairness within the U.N. are empowered to see injustice exposed.
  • Prime Minister Netanyahu played the video at a recent cabinet meeting, saying,“There are moments that tear the hypocrisy off the unending attacks against us, and this brave interpreter did so.”
    • The interpreter’s plain-spoken words of truth were carried in major media around the globe: from The Washington Post to Germany’sDeutsche Pressse Agentur, from London’s Daily Mail to the Press Trust of India.

But the truth-telling interpreter is not the only voice challenging the U.N.’s incessant, hypocritical, and prejudiced attacks against Israel—and against the world body’s own values.
In an assembly often dominated by darkness, UN Watch lights a candle of truth, spreading the facts to global audiences, and taking the offense against dictatorships and double standards.
To share the interpreter’s memorable words via Facebook, click here.

UN Watch