Journalist Magdi Khalil slams Muslim and Arab blocs for subverting U.N. human rights principles

Coptic Egyptian-American journalist Magdi Khalil, director of the Middle East Freedom Forum, explains in a recent article on the liberal website how Muslim states are subverting the U.N. human rights system from within, using it to stifle criticism of Muslim countries and of Islam while promoting hostility towards Israel:

The Arab and Islamic States that pushed for a resolution against defaming religion are mostly interested in intimidating and blackmailing the West — while they themselves continue to show no respect for religious diversity… Glancing at [its provisions] it is possible to think that they originated with the Egyptian Ministry of Information or the Pakistani parliament, rather than with a council whose basic mission is to safeguard rights and freedoms — primarily the freedoms of thought and expression.

See this and other excerpts translated from MEMRI here.

UN Watch