List of regions holding chairmanship of UNHRC social forum

EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell defended Iran’s appointment as a matter of regional rotation, “in consistency with established UN procedures.”

But UN Watch research shows in fact that the Asian-Pacific group, to which Iran belongs, has monopolized the position in recent years, with five ambassadors from the group holding the post in the past six years, to the exclusion of other  regional groups.

If established UN procedures of regional rotation were truly applied, Iran would have been the last country eligible this year to be appointed as Chair of the UNHRC Social Forum.

See full story here: Iran to Chair UN Human Rights Forum on Thursday, Sparking Protests.


Chair of UNHRC Social Forum, 2008-2023
Asia-Pacific Group representatives:  8
Latin American Group representatives: 5
Western Europe & Others Group representatives: 2
Eastern Europe Group representatives: 2
African Group representatives: 2

2023 Islamic Republic of Iran
(Amb. Ali Bahreini)
2022 Spain (Amb. Aurora Díaz-Rato Revuelta) & Bolivia (Amb. Maira Mariela Macdonal Alvarez)
Western Group & Latin America
2021 Iraq (Amb. Abdul-Karim Hashim Mostafa) Asia-Pacific
2020 Mongolia (Amb. Purevsuren Lundeg) & Azerbaijan (Amb. Vaqif Sadiqov) Asia-Pacific & Asia-Pacific 
2019 Djibouti (Amb. Kadra Ahmed Hassan) Africa
2018 Sri Lanka (Amb. A.L. Adbul Azeez) Asia-Pacific
2017 Brazil (Amb. Maria Nazareth Farani Azevêdo) &
Belarus (Amb. Yury Ambrazevich)
Latin America & Eastern Europe
2016 Mexico (Amb. Jorge Lomonaco) & New Zealand (Amb. Allan Reaich)
Latin America & Western Group
2015 Qatar (Amb. Faisal bin Abdulla al-Henzab) Asia-Pacific
2014 Argentina (Amb. Mónica Roqué) Latin America
2012 Qatar (Amb. Alya Al-Thani) Asia-Pacific
2011 Ethiopia (Amb. Minelik Alemu Getahun) Africa
2010 Urugauy (Amb. Laura Dupuy Lasserre) Latin America
2009 Slovenia (Amb. Andrej Logar) Eastern Europe
2008 Jordan (Amb. Mousa Burayzat) Asia-Pacific



Asia holds UNHRC Social Forum Chair more often than any other region






(Source: Reports of the Annual UNHRC Social Forum)


UN Watch