March 28, 2014

Another outrageous UN appointment

PRESS RELEASE Only U.S. can stop these outrageously partisan and problematic appointments Judge Richard Goldstone (second from right) and Christine Chinkin (right) at public hearings in 2009

Resolutions and Voting Results of 25th HRC Session

Condemnatory Country-Specific Resolutions: Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka (A/HRC/25/L.1/Rev.1) Sponsors: UK, US, Montenegro, Macedonia, Mauritius Result: 23 in favor, 12 against (Algeria, China,

Issue 486: Another outrageous UN appointment

Another outrageous UN appointment Only U.S. can stop these outrageously partisan and problematic appointments   Judge Richard Goldstone (second from right) and Christine Chinkin (right) at public

UN Watch