Condemnatory Country-Specific Resolutions:
Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka (A/HRC/25/L.1/Rev.1)
Sponsors: UK, US, Montenegro, Macedonia, Mauritius
Result: 23 in favor, 12 against (Algeria, China, Congo, Cuba, Kenya, Maldives, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Venezuela, Viet Nam), 12 abstentions
The continuing grave deterioration of the human rights and humanitarian situation in the Syrian Arab Republic (A/HRC/25/L.7)
Sponsors: UK, Italy, Germany, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, US, Turkey, France, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar
Vote result: 32 in favor, 4 against (China, Cuba, Russia, Venezuela), 11 abstentions
Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran (A/HRC/25/L.9)
Sponsors: Sweden, Macedonia, US, Moldova, Panama
Vote result: 21 in favor, 9 against (China, Cuba, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, Venezuela, Vietnam), 16 abstentions
The situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (A/HRC/25/L.17)
Sponsor: Greece on behalf of the EU and Japan
Vote result: 30 in favor, 6 against (China, Cuba, Pakistan, Russia, Venezuela, Vietnam), 11 abstentions
Right of the Palestinian people to self-determination (A/HRC/25/L.36)
Sponsor: Pakistan on behalf of the OIC
Vote result: 46 in favor, 1 against (US)
Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan (A/HRC/25/L.37/Rev.1)
Sponsor: Pakistan on behalf of the OIC
Vote result: 46 in favor, 1 against (US)
Human rights situation in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (A/HRC/25/L.38/Rev.1)
Sponsor: Pakistan on behalf of the OIC
Vote result: 46 in favor, 1 against (US)
Follow-up to the report of the United Nations Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (A/HRC/25/L.39)
Sponsor: Pakistan on behalf of the OIC
Vote result: 46 in favor, 1 against (US)
Human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan (A/HRC/25/L.40)
Sponsor: Pakistan on behalf of the OIC
Vote result: 33 in favor, 1 against (US), 13 abstentions
Non-Condemnatory Country-Specific Resolutions:
Technical assistance for Libya in the field of human rights (A/HRC/25/L.35)
Sponsors: Morocco, Libya
Adopted without vote
Situation des droits de l’homme en Haïti (President’s Statement) (A/HRC/25/L.42)
Sponsors: France, Haiti
Adopted without vote
Assistance à la République du Mali dans le domaine des droits de l’homme (A/HRC/25/L.33)
Sponsor: Ethiopia on behalf of the African Group
Adopted without vote
Situation of human rights in Myanmar (A/HRC/25/L.21/Rev.1)
Sponsor: Greece on behalf of the EU
Adopted without vote
Strengthening of technical cooperation and consultative services in Guinea (A/HRC/25/L.6)
Sponsor: Ethiopia on behalf of the African Group
Adopted without vote
The human rights situation in South Sudan (President’s Statement) (A/HRC/25/L.34)
Sponsor: South Sudan
Adopted without a vote
Positive Thematic Resolutions:
Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (A/HRC/25/L.25)
Sponsor: Denmark
Adopted without a vote
Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression (A/HRC/25/L.2/Rev.1)
Sponsor: US
Adopted without a vote
Freedom of religion or belief (A/HRC/25/L.19)
Sponsor: Greece on behalf of the EU
Adopted without vote
The promotion and protection of human rights in the context of peaceful protests (A/HRC/25/L.20)
Sponsors: Costa Rica, Switzerland, Turkey
Result: 31 in favor, 9 against (China, Cuba, India, Kenya, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, Venezuela, Viet Nam), 7 abstentions.
South Africa, on behalf of the Like-Minded Group, attempted to pass five amendments that would have weakened the resolution and allowed for certain countries to prevent and monitor the conduct of peaceful protests. For example, one amendment emphasized “that protests should not constitute threats to national security and the stability of the state.” Another amendment urged states to “ensure that organizers and leaders of protests are cognizant that they have duties and responsibilities in regard to the proper conduct of those participating in protests organized under their auspices.” These amendments aimed to put restrictions on protests, and would have severely limited the scope of the resolution. Four of the proposed amendments were rejected by vote and one was withdrawn. Read more here.
Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders (A/HRC/25/L.24)
Sponsor: Norway
Adopted without a vote
Russia proposed six amendments to this resolution – two of which were oral amendments. These amendments aimed to reassert the state’s role in protecting fundamental freedoms, while simultaneously minimizing the scope of human rights defenders’ activities. For example, one amendment proposed recalled that “the primary responsibility for promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms rests within the state,” and that “national legislation” is the “juridical frame work within which human rights defenders conduct their activities.” If adopted, these amendments would have defeated the aim of the resolution, which was to increase the freedom and protection of human rights defenders in the face of state opposition. All of the proposed amendments were rejected or withdrawn.
Counter-productive Thematic Resolutions:
Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights (A/HRC/25/L.3)
Sponsors: China, Iran (on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement), Russia
Adopted without a vote.
Italy on behalf of EU expressed concerns on the resolution
Integrity of the judicial system (A/HRC/25/L.5)
Sponsor: Russia
Vote result: 21 in favor, 1 against (US), 19 abstentions
US statement of concerns on resolution
Ensuring use of remotely piloted aircraft in counter-terrorism in accordance with international law (A/HRC/25/L.32)
Sponsor: Pakistan
Vote result: 27 in favor, 6 against, 14 abstentions
Intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization, discrimination against persons based on religion or belief (A/HRC/25/L.41)
Sponsor: Pakistan on behalf of the OIC
Adopted without vote
Italy’s on behalf of EU expresses concerns on this resolution
Right to food (A/HRC/25/L.26)
Sponsor: Cuba
Adopted without a vote
Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order (A/HRC/25/L.27)
Sponsor: Cuba
Vote result: 30 in favor, 14 against, 3 abstentions
Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt on the full enjoyment of all human rights (A/HRC/25/L.28)
Sponsor: Cuba
Vote result: 30 in favor, 14 against, 3 abstentions
Promotion of the enjoyment of the cultural rights of everyone and respect for cultural diversity (A/HRC/25/L.29/Rev.1)
Sponsor: Cuba
Adopted without a vote
Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance (A/HRC/25/L.22)
Sponsor: Ethiopia on behalf of the African Group
Adopted without a vote