Yesterday the U.N elected Sudan as vice-president of its 54-member Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), a top U.N. body that regulates human rights groups, shapes the composition of key U.N. women’s rights bodies, and adopts resolutions on subjects ranging from Internet freedom to female genital mutilation. UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer, together with Mia Farrow have already spoken out against this absurdity.
Not only is it preposterous that genocidal Sudan will oversee the work of various UN human rights commissions — including the Commission on the Status of Women — but Sudan is an extremely unsuitable candidate for the direct work of ECOSOC itself.
In his departure speech this week to ECOSOC, delivered prior to its election of Sudan, outgoing president Miloš Koterec emphasized how the council had striven to ensure the involvement of young people in its activities, “listening to their voices and delivering on their concerns.”
If so, it is laughable for this body to make Sudan a leader.
Sudan’s record of abuses against children and youth is extensive and shameful. According to the Child Rights International Network, Sudan recruits and abducts children to their armed forces; conducts attacks on civilians, including children; and still has a high percentage of girls subject to female genital mutilation. And according to Human Rights Watch, Khartoum continues to violently disperse youth-led protests against austerity measures and ruling party policies.
UN Watch reiterates its call on world leaders to speak out against this scandalous appointment.