Latest update on Libyan uprising and massacre

The following update was distributed by Libyan dissident Mohamed Eljahmi, who now lives in the US.

Appeal by Libyan journalist Abdalla Baarasi to journalists,  human rights organizations and all supporters of liberty and freedom:

I just listened to a call for help on Aljazeera from Libyan journalist Abdala Baarassi.  He is based in the city of Al-Baida.  His phone call with Aljazeera was cut off shortly after he issued an emotional appeal with his voice quivering.   Mr. Baraasi appealed for urgent help for the people of Baida and Cyrene. In his quivering voice, “Please help save our people in Baida and Cyrene.” He maintained that there are dozens of dead in Baida and that mercenaries and security forces have attacked the city. According to Mr. Baraasi the regime is imposing a blockade on Baida with helicopters flying over and the city’s hospitals have an acute shortage of medical supplies.

City of Benghazi:

1-The Egyptian scenario is being repeated, army has reportedly entered the city. Police and Security reportedly have disappeared from the streets.

2-Phone landlines have been cut off and mobile service was reportedly cut off two hours ago.

3-Rebellion in Al-Kiwaifia prison and prisoners escaped.  Al-Kiwaifia is a prison for violent crimes like murder and armed robberies.  There are also reports that Libyan Security has paid felons and escapees and promised to clean their records in exchange for committing violence against demonstrators.

4-Nearly 30 civilians have been reportedly killed yesterday by State Security. There was a mass funeral today attended by thousands for those who died. There are unknown number of injured and arrested.

5-Snipers were positioned on rooftops especially Tebisti hotel near downtown Benghazi.

6-Thousands, including lawyers demonstrated and camped in front of Northern Benghazi Court.  Demonstrators called for the creation of a constitution.

7-Major General El-Saadi Qadhafi, the dictator’s flaky third son arrived in Benghazi last night.  He went on radio with this announcement, “The Leader ordered me to come here and he is listening to me now.  Please give me support and resources.  I brought my clothes with me and have sent for more clothes to be brought.  I love Benghazi, its people and streets.  I am here with a mandate that is outside the authority of the General People’s Committee and if anyone comes close to Benghazi, I will punish him,  To the youth of Benghazi, I have lots of surprises.  Your demands are not even close to 20% of the goodies I have for you.  I ask you to go to sleep and we will talk seriously in the morning.”

8-Hundreds of mercenaries were transported to Benghazi.  Reports indicate they ultimately are under the control of Khamis Qadhafi.

9-Crowds in Benghazi are chanting for Qadhafi’s execution – “The Libyan people have had enough, time for Qadhafi to head to Jeddah”, “We don’t want Qadhafi or his sons, Benghazi has its own men.”, “Wake up Benghazi, Wake up Benghazi, your day has arrived”, “The people want the execution of the Colonel.”

10-There are widespread arrests and especially against people who spoke to Satellite stations.

11-Authorities have instructed hospitals to cease treating injured demonstrators.

City of Al-Baida:

It is located eastern of Benghazi and is now experiencing an extreme assault from air and the ground by State Security and mercenaries. 

1-At least 24 people were reportedly killed by mercenaries and State Security.

2-City hospitals have acute shortage of medical supplies to treat the injured.

3-Activists are calling upon human rights organization for help in pressuring the Libyan regime to stop its brutality against the people of Al-Baida.

4-There are reports that Labrak airport has been shut down and taken over by demonstrators.

City of Ijdabia:

It is located 165 KM west of Benghazi:

1-Demonstrations broke out and there are reports of 2 dead.

Cities of Zintan and Rijban:

Located in the Western Mountain region of Libya, State Security and Revolutionary Committees have reportedly fled the city and the regime has sent tribal representatives to bribe the elders of Zintan and Rijban.  Regime interlocutors offered to give large sums of money to every youth.  The interlocutors were reportedly rebuffed and told that the revolution will continue until Qadhafi’s fall.

City of Cyrene [Shahat]:

Located near Al-Baida, four people have been reportedly killed.

City of Tobruk:

Coastal eastern city, head quarter of the local Revolutionary Committee was burned down.

City of Derna:

Eastern coastal city.  There are reports of demonstrations and clashes.

UN Watch