After UN Watch revealed her support for terrorism, Mona Seif, nominee for the Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders, today acknowledged writing “anti-Israel Tweets”:
Just a note: all my anti israel tweets were written in English precisely so that the international community celebrating our 1/2 — Mona Seif (@Monasosh) April 30, 2013
revolution understands that we support the resistance of the palestinian nation against israel. I didn’t fool anyone or hide my thoughts 2/2
— Mona Seif (@Monasosh) April 30, 2013
i support a nation’s right to resist occupation! Sending me tweets calling me a terrorist wont change the fact that real terrorist is Israel — Mona Seif (@Monasosh) April 30, 2013
A longer list of her anti-peace and pro-terror tweets are on Storify here.