In this week’s top tweets: Chess champion Anna Muzychuk stands up to Saudi misogyny (8,000+ retweets); Lorde’s boycott hypocrisy; the U.N.’s silence on atrocities in Yemen; top 10 most evil U.N. actions of 2017; and CNN’s Jake Tapper cites UN Watch on the dictators who lecture America from the U.N. podium.
Anna Muzychuk, #Hero. "In a few days I am going to lose two World Champion titles—one by one. Just because I decided not to go to Saudi Arabia. Not to play by someone's rules, not to wear abaya, not to be accompanied getting outside—not to feel myself a secondary creature."
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 27, 2017
.@Lorde If you canceled your concert in 🇮🇱 Israel, an imperfect liberal democracy, but not in 🇷🇺 Russia, a perfect dictatorship that poisons its own dissidents, persecutes gays, and helped kill 500,000 Syrians, you're not being pro-human rights—you're just being anti-Israeli.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 25, 2017
History remembers those who defend freedom and truth at the United Nations.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 19, 2017
🇾🇪#YemenWar casualties
Urgently need aid: 22.2 million
Starvation risk: 8.4 million
Malnourished kids: 4.5 million
Displaced: 3 million
Cholera: 1 million
Killed: 10,000
UNHRC Special Sessions: 0
UNGA Emergency Sessions: 0
UN censures of 🇸🇦&🇮🇷 bombings: 0— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 26, 2017
It's out: The Top 10 Most Evil U.N. Actions of 2017 via @unwatch
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 25, 2017
1. The U.N.—including at least 5 EU states—elected #SaudiArabia to its women's rights commission. Belgium's PM @CharlesMichel was forced to go before Parliament & apologize. Scandals also in Ireland, Norway, Sweden.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 25, 2017
Citing @UNWatch data on @UN's peculiar fixation with #Israel in 86% of its resolutions, CNN's @JakeTapper @TheLeadCNN calls out the rank hypocrisy of murderous tyrannies like #Venezuela, #Syria & #Yemen taking the floor today at U.N. General Assembly to condemn the United States.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 21, 2017
1. Israel pulls out of UNESCO.
Because it demonizes the Jewish state, elevates murderous regimes, betrays mission to protect education, science, culture.
Condemnations by UNESCO, 2009-2014#Israel 46#Syria 1#Iran 0#NKorea 0#Sudan 0
Others 0— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 23, 2017
Only 6 days to go: 🇵🇰 #Pakistan—where they advertise death for blasphemy—joins @UN's Human Rights Council. (To report URL of this blasphemous tweet:
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 26, 2017
Yemen: “This is a serious threat to stability, peace, and security in the region and the world.”
No, they are not referencing the war, cholera, and famine spreading through their own country. Instead, #Jerusalem.
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) December 21, 2017
Exposed: UNRWA inflates numbers for U.S., UK, EU, Canadian grants.
How many Palestinian descendants of refugees live in Lebanon?@UNRWA: 470,000
🇱🇧 Lebanon's census: 174,000
UNRWA's excuse: “If someone decided to leave Lebanon, they don’t notify us…”— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 25, 2017
Must-See Video: Egyptian Chair of U.N. Human Rights Council debate fails to silence Son of Hamas. Mosab Hassan Yousef, speaking for @UNWatch, blasts hypocrisy of members Qatar & Saudi Arabia. "There's a thief in the house!"
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) December 24, 2017
Wishing a Merry Christmas to all our Christian followers worldwide—and thinking of the many Christians suffering persecution in North Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Eritrea.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 24, 2017
Dear @NikkiHaley,
You did an incredible job this week. I leave you with the late Abba Eban's timeless observation: “If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.”— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 22, 2017
#Left: Arab & Islamic states convene emergency UN General Assembly meeting tomorrow to condemn U.S. over Jerusalem declaration, the 21st resolution this year on Israel.#Right: List of all Arab & Islamic actions @UN for 22 million Yemeni victims of war, starvation, cholera.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) December 20, 2017