EXPOSED: Meet Nur, a student at UNRWA's Jalazone Boys' School. His teachers teach him that Israel is “blowing up Al-Aqsa” and that he must return to and reconquer Israel. “Inshallah, I'll be a martyr,” he says.
U.S. taxpayers directly funded the school:
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) November 28, 2024
In numerous interviews obtained exclusively by UN Watch, students of UNRWA schools glorify violence and terrorism against Jews. Today, UN Watch released another one of these interviews, as part of a larger trove of evidence showing how UNRWA leaders work closely with top Hamas officials, UNRWA teachers, school principals, teacher union heads and regional directors either belong to or embrace Hamas, and how all of this leads to students embracing violence and terrorism against Jews.
Nur a-Din Abu Safieh, a student at the UNRWA Jalazone Boys’ School a few miles outside of Ramallah, was taught that Israel is “blowing up Al-Aqsa” and that he must return to and reconquer Israel. “Inshallah, I’ll be a martyr,” he says.
Exclusive from UN Watch: Interview of Nur a-Din Abu Safieh, Student at UNRWA’s Jalazone Boys’ School
My name is Nur a-Din Khaled Abu Safiya I’m 14 years old.
Which school do you go to?
The [UNRWA] Jalazone Boys’ School
Do you learn anything in school about the Right of Return?
Sure. The teachers teach us about the Right of Return.
That we must return to our land and that it’s our land, Israel conquered it and inshallah, we’ll return.
Is Al-Aqsa just symbolic, or are you ready to fight for it?
Inshallah, we’re ready to fight. Even if we die.
Can Jerusalem be divided between the Jews and the Palestinians?
No, because it doesn’t matter who your neighbor is, except for the Jews, because the Jews will betray anyone.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Inshallah, I’ll be a martyr. Inshallah, I’ll be in the resistance.
Do the teachers at school teach you anything about Israel? Do they say anything to you about Israel?
Yes. They always tell us that Israel is the one that occupied us, and that they’re always harming Al-Aqsa Mosque, and that they’re blowing up Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Do you hate the Jews?