Venezuelan political prisoner in critical state

Daniel Ceballos, mayor of San Cristobal, is about to die. He has been on hunger strike since May 22 along with Leopoldo López, Venezuelan political leader and another six political prisioners. Their demand is to fix a date for parliamentary elections–due to take place this year–allow for international election observers, and free all political prisoners.
Ceballos was detained in March 2014 under allegations of conspiracy and other charges related to student demonstrations in his city last year.
To date, the government has taken no steps to attend to any of these demands, and family members fear he will soon die as his kidneys are shutting down and has face and hands paralysis. We call upon the government of Venezuela to release all political prisoners without delay and open the way for free and democratic elections.
Below the OHCHR spokesman release on this matter:

3 June 2015
Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Rupert Colville
Location: Geneva
Subjects: Venezuela detentions
We are very concerned about the conditions of detention and the deteriorating health of Daniel Ceballos, former mayor of Tachira State in Venezuela, who has been detained since March 2014 on charges related to his role in the anti-Government protests last year. Ceballos, along with three other detainees, has been on hunger strike since 22 May. We urge the authorities to ensure that all the detainees on hunger strike have access to medical attention with a doctor of their choice. Access to their families and lawyers must also be ensured.
The day after Ceballos began his hunger strike, we understand he was transferred to a general population prison outside Caracas – outside the jurisdiction in which he is being tried – without the knowledge of his family or lawyer. There are serious issues with the conditions of his detention. The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention found in August last year that his detention was arbitrary.
We call, once again, on the Venezuelan authorities to ensure that all those who are being detained for exercising their fundamental rights to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are promptly and unconditionally released.

UN Watch