Urge Justin Trudeau to reverse his UN vote against Israel

Urge Justin Trudeau to Reverse
His U.N. Vote Against Israel

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The Geneva-based non-governmental organization UN Watch has launched a new petition campaign urging Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to change a controversial UN vote.
On November 20, 2019, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau broke with national consensus established over many years to vote for a resolution targeting Israel sponsored by North Korea and other dictatorships.
Mr. Trudeau also broke with Canada’s long-standing policy of opposing the hijacking of U.N. bodies by dictatorships to scapegoat the Jewish state.
Part of 20 anti-Israel resolutions to be adopted this month, the Canada-backed text portrays Israel as “occupying” the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and the holiest sites of Judaism.
Nowhere mentioned are the hundreds of Palestinian rockets fired at Israelis mere days before this biased resolution was adopted. Yet the resolution  slammed Israel for its security barrier that has saved countless lives after the bloodbath wrought by the PLO and Hamas suicide bombings during the Second Intifada.
THERE’S STILL TIME FOR CANADA TO REVERSE ITS VOTE: the resolution will come up for a second and final vote at the U.N. General Assembly in mid-December.
Click here to sign the petition today!
Demand that Mr. Trudeau tear up this Faustian bargain, and to stop trading Canada’s principles of fairness in exchange for a U.N. Security Council seat.

UN Watch