Hillel Neuer Calls for Equal Rights at the United Nations Ahead of Unprecedented Assault on Israel

Israel will come under unprecedented assault at the UN Human Rights Council on March 18th. The Jewish state alone will be targeted over the entire day—in seven biased reports. A new Commission of Inquiry will present its absurd report accusing Israeli soldiers of “crimes against humanity” for defending the Gaza border. The UNHRC will call on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights “to manage the dossiers on alleged perpetrators [IDF soldiers], to be provided to… the International Criminal Court.”

Come join UN Watch’s historic international protest against anti-Israeli hatred at the UNHRC: the Rally for Equal Rights at the United Nations and sign the petition, which will be hand-delivered at the UN that day.
WHERE: Place des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
WHEN: Monday, March 18, 2019, at 12:30 pm
WHO: Incredible speakers to be announced shortly!

• Bus from MILAN, contact: Milan-rally@unwatch.org
• Bus from ZURICH, contact: Zurich-rally@unwatch.org
• Bus from LAUSANNE, contact Lausanne-rally@unwatch.org
• Bus from LYON, contact: Lyon-rally@unwatch.org
• Bus from GRENOBLE, contact CRIF
• Fly from ISRAEL, contact: Shani Lousky, Stand With Us Israel, shanyl@standwithus.com
Event Sponsors: UN WatchStandWithUsNGO MonitorAssociation Suisse Israel, section GenèveCRIFB’nai B’rith EuropeEuropean Coalition for IsraelThe Israeli Jewish Congress, World WIZO, International Council of Jewish WomenThe Israel ProjectWorld Zionist Organization – ההסתדרות הציונית העולמית, ELNET France, European Alliance for Israel, EUJS – European Union of Jewish StudentsIreland Israel AllianceBelgian Friends of IsraelThe International Legal ForumAudiatur-OnlineHonestly Concerned e.V.My Truth, Sweden Israel Alliance
YouTube link available here.

UN Watch