Freedom of Religion

UN Watch Slams Swiss Ban on Minarets

PRESS RELEASE GENEVA, Nov. 30 — A Geneva-based human rights monitoring group said that Switzerland’s new prohibition against minarets constitutes a breach of the country’s

Durban Ad Hoc Committee: Day 8 Morning

Lichtenstein and Nigeria went head to head at this morning’s Durban Ad Hoc Committee meeting. Redrawing sharp lines between Western and African countries, the two

Durban Ad Hoc Committee: Day 7 Afternoon

Pakistan chastised the United States for racial profiling practices at this afternoon’s Durban Ad Hoc Committee meeting. The committee debated several issues, including the rights

Durban Ad Hoc Committee: Day 5 and 6

After several rounds of closed regional meetings, the Durban follow-up committee resumed work on Tuesday morning only to adjourn for another five minute recess when

UN Watch