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Bravo to Vladimir Kara-Murza on winning the 2024 Pulitzer Prize. He is serving a cruel 25-year prison sentence for opposing Putin and his war on

BREAKING: UNRWA staff stealing and selling humanitarian aid, Gazans report• UNRWA warehouse chief sold 50 cartons of food for $5,000• Pampers, canned sweets, tissues stolen

Unreal: UNRWA is acting as a human shield for Hamas Never in history has a humanitarian agency refused to evacuate a war zone. Under the

UNRWA chief Lazzarini is lying when he says “we've been cleared.” Here is the evidence that was submitted to UNRWA over the past decade documenting

Fact: the U.N. Human Rights Council has never once condemned China for persecuting Uyghur Muslims. When the US tried in 2022, Arab and Muslim states

2/ Left: Suhail al-Hindi, UNRWA union chiefRight: Suhail al-Hindi, Hamas terror chief — Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) April 30, 2024

BREAKING: UN says its Office of Internal Oversight has been receiving evidence from Israel since January, enabling UN investigation of 19 UNRWA staff for involvement

United Nations Watch condemns the German government's decision to reinstate funding to UNRWA after we documented thousands of its staff who promote terrorism. Berlin knows

BREAKING: Even the pro-UNRWA head of the Independent Review into UNRWA says the headlines about “Israel failed to provide any evidence” of UNRWA terror ties

Mr. Borrell, why are you praising a report that was completely rigged by UNRWA? Don't you know the Colonna report ignored all evidence sent to

Cover-up Chris is having another meltdown after we exposed the fact he revealed the whole purpose of UNRWA's Colonna Review was to “provide donors with

Mr. Gunness, you are lying. Here is the mountain of detailed evidence we sent to UNRWA of widespread promotion of terrorism by UNRWA staff:

UN Watch