UNRWA’s Manshiet Bani Hashim Prep School Celebrates Fires in Israel, Erases Israel from the Map

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Manshiet Bani Hashim Prep School is an UNRWA school in Jordan. The Facebook page in its name has 1,294 likes. In November 2016, as Israeli forests and communities were burning from fires, some caused by arson, this UNRWA school celebrated. In one image, the Israeli flag is being burned. One also sees how the school’s murals erase Israel from the map, as does student artwork.
Manshiet Bani Hashim Prep Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/مدرسة-ذكور-منشية-بني-هاشم-الإعدادية-401528419976788/?ref=page_internal 
UNRWA’s Manshiet Bani Hashim School posts image of burning Israeli flag to celebrate devastation in Israel from wildfires. Image 1

Image 1

UNRWA’s Manshiet Bani Hashim School posts image of Israeli community burning during the November 2016 wave of fires, including from arson and terrorism. Image 2

Image 2

UNRWA’s Manshiet Bani Hashim school walls are adorned with a large mural that erases Israel from the map, contradicting UNRWA’s promise to teach Palestinians peace and co-existence. Image 3

Image 3

UNRWA’s Manshiet Bani Hashim School shows student artwork that erases Israel from the map, contradicting UNRWA’s promise to teach Palestinians peace and co-existence with Israel. Image 4 & Image 5.

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Image 5
UN Watch