Ahmad Almasri is listed as a Laboratory Technician at UNRWA in Jordan. He honors a Palestinian airplane hijacker and erases Israel from the map.

In this post, Ahmad Almasri celebrates Theresa Al-Halasa who died on March 28, 2020. She was one of four Palestinian terrorists who carried out the 1972 hijacking of Belgian Sabena Flight 571 en route to Tel Aviv. A 22-year-old Israeli passenger was killed in the course of the hijacking and ensuing Israeli rescue operation. Al-Halasa was convicted by an Israeli court and sentenced to life imprisonment but was released four years later in a prisoner exchange. While the text concerns Al-Halasa, referred to as “the Jordanian female fighter” who is now “in Allah’s protection,” the photo is of another famous Palestinian terrorist—Dalal Mughrabi—who participated in the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre in which 38 Israelis, including 13 children, were murdered.

Ahmad Almasri posts a map erasing Israel. The map depicts a Palestinian in the form of a cartoon meme—the same as the one used by the official BDS movement—stomping into Israel and literally kicking it into the Mediterranean Sea. This is confirmed by the caption “They kept it for your children…full, from the river to the sea.” The obvious message is that Israel will be conquered by the Palestinians and wiped off the map.
For UN Watch’s full 2021 report on UNRWA incitement, Beyond the Textbooks, click here.