At least 4 EU & Western democracies voted to elect Iran to UN women’s rights commission

At least four out of the 15 EU and Western group democracies at the UN’s Economic and Social Council voted to elect Iran to the Commission on the Status of Women on Tuesday, according to a calculation by the independent non-governmental organization UN Watch, which urged the countries to reveal their votes.

The democracies who may have voted in the April 20, 2021 secret ballot for Iran’s misogynistic regime include Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Latvia, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

UN Watch called on lawmakers from the 15 EU and other democracies to demand that their governments reveal how they voted.

Although the voting was secret, the fact that Iran’s regime won 43 votes means that only 11 ECOCOC members did not vote for Iran. Therefore, at least four out of the 15 Western democracies did vote for Iran, and possibly more because the 11 countries that did not vote for Iran could be any of the 54 member states of ECOSOC.

In 2017, after a similar secret ballot for the same UN women’s rights commission, a UN Watch campaign led to Belgium’s admission that it voted to elect Saudi Arabia, and to the revelation that the the Belgian government made sure to tell the Saudis that they voted for them.

UN Watch