China fails to stop Hillel Neuer defending Muslims[0]=68.ARB5lMG2onY2TB288-_2BGeKBEHBqyv2jBS0m5wOrBgfsUAWiOoGKFJTrvqS7pgUkK8_n_iv4P44naJxmHIrmQrFNPS1d_jUMmkRrACa3RU5eMbwQ3olvAKzCUJLB5_OnrKZdaG2iRl_dSp3hR-D3NJuzs0utDQ7WrRcnmKaQWhzSBNodUJ7RqZmNQJU2QRCQKE2OHHMkUC3stDnKZPTe002wVjlZVRdenO0o6C2MSe4R-NFuvF4_SpXNKW7g263rAe8prGh8kWSWeFKxNaKmoQkPMumuKfjj-LNUmhIU92svrxcC-6EGlrfJLS-qgUAEGTSEEk34NRcHCtM2MWit7gIGZK4wuvh&__tn__=-R
When UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer spoke out at the UNHRC’s March 2019 session for 1 million Muslim Uighurs being detained by China, the Communist regime’s delegates interrupted him three times, banging loudly on the table throughout, attempting to get the speech shut down. They failed and in the end, the HRC President admonished China to “prevent disturbing the proceedings of the room the next time.”
Coly Seck: I thank you, I give the floor to Ingenieurs du Monde
Hillel: Merci monsieur le president.
We condemn the horrific murder of 50 people at two mosques in New Zealand, we extend our sympathy to the families. Muslims worldwide must be free and safe to pray. Now sadly too often those who claim to speak for the rights of Muslims, fail to take action to defend them against the worst forms of discrimination. Here, in this council, China has voted for every single resolution on (loud banging begins to get attention of the President) Islamophobia, yet back home
Coly Seck: Excusez moi,
Hillel: one million Uighurs arbitrarily… (Loud banging continues)
Coly Seck: It appears that China would like to make a point of order.
China: Mr. President, this NGO speaks at something which has nothing to do with the agenda item. According to the rules of procedure, I request the president to make a ruling to stop the statement by the representative.
Coly Seck: I thank you, we are considering item 9 on the agenda on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance. I would like to urge the speaker to stick to the agenda item. I give the floor back to the speaker now.
Hillel: Thank you Mr. President. Here in this council, China has voted for every resolution on Islamophobia, yet back home in China one (loud banging again for attention of President) Million Uighurs have been arbitrarily detained.
Coly Seck: China you have the floor.
China: Mr. President, China believes that the representative of this NGO’s statement has nothing to do with this agenda item according to the rules of the HRC we ask the president to make a ruling and stop the statement by the representative.
Coly Seck: I would inform the representative of China that the speaker was referring to specific situations in his statement. I give the floor to the speaker. (long silence)
Coly Seck: UK
UK: Thank you Mr. President, just to echo your call without prejudice to the content of the speaker’s statement. Human rights clearly do not exist in a vacuum and therefore we believe that the speaker should be allowed to continue as you have said, thank you.
Coly Seck: I give the floor to the speaker.
Hillel: Yet back home in China, one million Uighurs have been arbitrarily detained in extralegal political reeducation camps. Surveillance and repression in Xinjiang has increased dramatically. Biometric data is collected from residents, passports confiscated, religious activity restricted. China bans long beards, public prayers and Muslim veils. Why is China saying one thing here and doing back home something entirely different?
Worse, I need to ask the Islamic… (loud banging) Group of nations at the OIC, later this week you will introduce 5 resolutions targeting Israel (banging continues) yet I’ve just seen the resolutions and there’s not a single resolution speaking out for the OIC on behalf of Muslim Uighurs who are being subjected to the worst forms of discrimination.
Coly Seck: I thank you. China I give you the floor if you have a point of order.
China: Mr. President, China has repeatedly stated that the content of the speaker has nothing to do with this agenda item in the HRC. I regret that the president has allowed the speaker to continue, thank you.
Coly Seck: Thank you, I’d like to recall that under the agenda item we’re discussing, speakers can make reference to specific country situations. Please prevent disturbing the proceedings of the room the next time. I give the floor to the Association for the Protection of Women and Children’s Rights.

UN Watch