In October, the U.N.’s World Health Organization named Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe a “goodwill ambassador.” UN Watch’s protest sparked world outrage, generating reports in CNN, Washington Post, Newsweek and 140 other news agencies. Then the U.S., Britain and Canada protested. As a result, the dictator was dropped. A month later, he was overthrown—no thanks to the United Nations, which only sought to legitimize him.
.@Reuters text & video reports quoting @UNWatch: "Critics urge WHO to reverse choice of Mugabe as goodwill envoy"
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) October 21, 2017
The @Independent citing @UNWatch: "UN agency sparks outrage after naming Robert Mugabe a 'Goodwill Ambassador'"
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) October 21, 2017
.@Corriere quotes @UNWatch: «L’idea che l’Onu debba definire Mugabe un grande sostenitore della salute è disgustosa»
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) October 22, 2017
.@Newsweek compares Mugabe appointment as @WHO 'Goodwill Ambassador" to @UN_Women election of #Saudi, cites @UNWatch
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) October 21, 2017
Robert Mugabe removed as WHO goodwill ambassador amid outcry. @CNN citing @UNWatch protest:
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) October 22, 2017
In #Swahili: Mugabe inawakandamiza wanaharakati wa haki za binadamu. (He oppresses dissidents, should not be @UN 'goodwill ambassador.')
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) October 21, 2017
.@CNN citing @UNWatch: "WHO is under fire after naming Robert Mugabe a goodwill ambassador"
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) October 21, 2017
Reuters: Choice of Mugabe as goodwill WHO envoy shocks, baffles
CNN: Robert Mugabe removed as WHO goodwill ambassador amid outcry
BBC News: Robert Mugabe’s WHO appointment condemned as ‘an insult’
New York Times: W.H.O. Removes Robert Mugabe as ‘Good-Will Ambassador’
Washington Post: WHO’s ’goodwill’ appointment draws the opposite (paywall)
Agence France-Presse: WHO chief rescinds Mugabe ambassador role after outcry
The Independent: British government leads barrage of criticism after World Health Organisation names Robert Mugabe a ‘goodwill ambassador’
ABC News: World Health Organization rescinds Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s ‘goodwill ambassador’ appointment amid scathing criticism
The Washington Post: WHO rescinds ‘goodwill ambassador’ appointment of Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe
New York Post: WHO’s sickening honor for butcher Mugabe
CNBC: Choice of Mugabe as WHO envoy shocks human rights groups
The Daily Telegraph Australia: They love a tyrant
Express: Robert Mugabe STRIPPED of World Health Organisation ’goodwill’ role following outcry
The Times: WHO denounced over ambassador role for Robert Mugabe (paywall)
The Telegraph: WHO chief ‘rethinking’ after Mugabe honour outrage
The Australian: WHO scrap ‘sick joke’ Mugabe as UN goodwill ambassador
Newsweek: What do Saudi Arabia, Barack Obama and Robert Mugabe have in common? Five appointments that shocked the world
PJ Media: The UN’s Mugabe Moment, and Its Perennial Iran Problem
The Zimbabwe Daily: UN to investigate ‘suspect’ appointment of Mugabe as spot-light focuses on Tedros
The Zimbabwe Mail: UN to investigate ‘suspect’ appointment of Mugabe as spot-in light focuses on Tedros
New Zimbabwe: UN Watch says WHO boss must be investigated for “immorally” awarding Mugabe
The Zimbabwean: Robert Mugabe removed as WHO goodwill ambassador amid outrcry
.@washingtonpost: "Hillel Neuer found it odd that a man accused of destroying Zimbabwe’s health system is now…"
— UN Watch (@UNWatch) October 22, 2017
RFI: Après <<l’affaire Mugabe>>, l’OMS a un peu plus terni son image
La Tribune Afrique: L’OMS annule la nomination du président Mugabe comme ambassadeur de bonne volonté
Africa Post News: OMS: <<Robert Mugabe, Ambassadeur de bonne volonté, c’est une insulte>>
Badische Zeitung: Simbabwes greiser Staatschef Mugabe wurde beinahe UN-Botschafter
Frakfurter Rundshau: Mugabe kurzzeitig Sonderbotschafter der WHO
Der Standard: Mugabe als WHO-Sonderbotschafter entlassen
Bild: Ausgerechnet Tyrann Mugabe jetzt UN-Botschafter
El Pais: La OMS recula y le quita el puesto de embajador al presidente de Zimbabue
Publico: Mugabe já não vai ser embaixador da boa vontade da OMS
Corriere Della Sera: Lo Zimbabwe distrutto dal presidente Mugabe (l’Oms lo nomina ambasciatore)
NOS: Mugabe misschien toch geen goodwill-ambassadeur WHO
NU Buitenland: Mensenrechtenorganisaties boos om benoeming Mugabe tot VN-ambassadeur
De Dagelijkse Standaard: De wereld op zijn kop: Mugabe wordt benoemd tot VN-ambassadeur
ABC Nyheter (Norway): WHO trekker utnevnelsen av Mugabe som goodwillambassadør
Dagens Nyheter (Sweden): WHO-chefen drar tillbaka utnämningen av Mugabe (paywall)
Ara (Catalan): L’OMS rectifica i deixa Mugabe sense el càrrec d’ambaixador de bona voluntat