Russia Voted Off UN Human Rights Council
Russia loses seat on UN Human Rights Council by just 2 votes
Russia ousted from U.N. Human Rights Council amid allegations of Syrian war crimes
US calls for end to anti-Israel bias as it regains UN Human Rights Council seat
America’s Smart Move at the UN Human Rights Council
Russia loses election to UN rights council
Rights group condemns China’s reelection on UN Human Rights Council
Russian Envoy Cries Foul, Vows To Regain UN Rights Council Seat
In a First-Ever Rebuke of its Kind, Russia Loses Bid for UN Human Rights Council Seat
Egypt secures membership in UN human rights council
Camouflet pour Moscou au Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU
Russia voted off UN Human Rights Council but Saudi Arabia is back
ONU rejeita candidatura da Rússia ao Conselho de Direitos Humanos
Correio Braziliense | October 29, 2016
“A eleição da Arábia Saudita como juiz internacional sobre direitos humanos é como uma cidade nomear um incendiário para chefe dos bombeiros”, declarou o diretor-executivo da UN Watch, Hillel Neuer. | October 28, 2016
“The re-election of China, Cuba and Saudi Arabia – regimes which systematically violate the human rights of their citizens – casts a shadow upon the reputation of the United Nations,” said U.N. Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer.”
Rusia se cae del Consejo de DDHH de la ONU entre críticas a su papel en Siria
Radio Caracol | October 28, 2016
“La no elección de Rusia muestra que los países del mundo pueden rechazar a quienes cometen graves abusos si lo desean”, destacó hoy tras el voto el director ejecutivo de la ONG con sede en Ginebra UN Watch, Hillel Neuer.