Saeed Khalaf Abu Freh lists himself as a Math Teacher at UNRWA. He glorifies the terrorist Omar Abu Laila who stabbed an Israeli soldier to death, stole his weapon, and killed both the soldier and a passing Israeli civilian.

In a November 14, 2020 post, UNRWA teacher Saeed Khalaf Abu Freh glorifies Palestinian terrorist Omar Abu Layla who murdered Israeli soldier Gal Keidan, stole his rifle and then shot and killed Rabbi Ettinger, a 47-year-old Israeli father of 12 children. The post is directed to the “young men” who fired guns in celebration of an election, comparing their shooting to that of the terrorist Omar Abu Layla. Abu Layla is portrayed as a role model for the young boys. He is described as “the prodigy, the free martyr, the hero,” greater than “Arab generals” and “more powerful than armies.” The post incites youth to violence by proclaiming that Abu Layla was “a child” but “bigger than a galaxy.” It adds that “bullets” are the path for Palestine.
For UN Watch’s full 2021 report on UNRWA incitement, Beyond the Textbooks, click here.