Maya lists herself as an English teacher at UNRWA in Syria. She incites terrorism with her post praising the terrorist Omar Abu Laila who murdered an Israeli soldier, stole his weapon, and shot dead an Israeli father of 12.

Maya Mahahi glorifies the Palestinian terrorist Omar Abu Layla, who on March 17, 2019,stabbed an Israeli soldier to death, stole his weapon, and killed both the soldier and a passing Israeli civilian—Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger, a 47-year-old father of 12 children. On March 20, 2019, a few days after the incident, UNRWA teacher Maya Mahahi venerated Abu Layla as a person of courage “who taught us manhood” and is “borne of the name of bravery.” She also congratulated his parents. The text in the photo lionizes Abu Layla as a “heroic martyr.”
For UN Watch’s full 2021 report on UNRWA incitement, Beyond the Textbooks, click here.