Tomorrow: U.N. to Endorse Holocaust Deniers’ Hero


UN Watch supporters send thousands of emails to U.S. Ambassador Rice, urging opposition


One of many Holocaust denier websites that have featured material

by the U.N. Human Rights Council’s Alfred De Zayas.

GENEVA, Dec. 19 – UN Watch is urging U.S. ambassador Susan Rice to oppose a U.N. resolution tomorrow that will ratify the appointment of a Human Rights Council official whose life’s work—authoring books on World War II that make Germans the victims and the Allies the war criminals—has made him a hero to Holocaust deniers.

Alfred de Zayas was appointed in March as the council’s “Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order,” an anti-Western mandate created by Cuba’s Communist regime.

Inexplicably, Zayas was unanimously recommended by a U.N. committee that included British Ambassador Peter Gooderham, who was supposed to effectively represent the interests and values of Western democracies such as Britain, France, Germany and the United States.

U.N. Expert Alfred de Zayas,
in his own wordszayas2

 • “Moses had such a rough time  bringing the Jewish people across the  Red Sea because half of them were  busy picking up pretty shells.” Source

 •  Churchill and Roosevelt connived at  “a form of genocide” against the  Germans.

 •  The World War II Allies who fought  Nazi Germany should have been  prosecuted for “barbarous” and  “gruesome” crimes; the Nuremberg  Court that judged Nazi war criminals  had “hardly any legitimacy.”

 •  “Nuremberg was an exercise in  hypocrisy. A continuation of hate and  war… a corruption of legal norms and  procedures, a pollution of philosophy,  a truly Pharisee tribunal.” Source

 •  “Israel emerged out of terrorism  against the indigenous population”  and its representatives should be  denied U.N. accreditation. Source

 •  America bears “responsibility for the  destabilization of… countries in the  Middle East.”

 •  George W. Bush and Tony Blair too  are Pharisees.” Source 

 •  The Old Testament is characterized  by “cruelty” and “profound  unreligiousity,” its patriarchs  “equipped with divine legitimacy and  justification to take our  promised Lebensraum by force.” Source

“To undo this wrong,” said UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer, “U.S.Ambassador Susan Rice should lead the world’s democracies in calling for a vote on the omnibus resolution—which includes the appointment of Zayas—and vote No.”

“Ambassador Rice should also take the floor and explain to the U.N. and the world why America and all decent people categorically object to an appointment that contradicts the principles of the U.N. and its founding history as the anti-Hitler alliance. That is why UN Watch has launched an email
campaign urging the U.S. to take action,” said Neuer.

In September, when UN Watch confronted Zayas in the council plenary (click for video), the new U.N. human rights expert claimed his World War II history books were acclaimed by scholars, saying “I’ve only received positive comments from professors hitherto.”

The evidence, however, shows otherwise.


Expert comments on Alfred de Zayas:

  • Dr. Bernward Dörner, German historian specializing in antisemitism: Zayas ignores decades of research in his quest to absolve the Germans of having known about the Holocaust, and his evidence and reasoning are faulty. (Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 18, 2011, review of Zayas’ most recent book Völkermord als Staatsgeheimnis – Vom Wissen über die “Endlösung der Judenfrage” im Dritten Reich (Genocide as State Secret – on Knowledge about “the Final Solution to the Jewish Question” in the Third Reich).
  • Professor Frank M. Brucher, in 1993 German Studies Review article: Zayas “makes no attempt to integrate his work with that of existing historiography on World War II, Nazi Germany or war crimes in general.”
  • Main-Taunus-Kurier, 17 September 2011, article by Willi van Ooyen: “Controversial international law expert Alfred de Zayas operates in the discourse of the extreme right.”
  • Frankfurter Rundschau, “Revanchismus an Schulen; Vertriebenen-Thesen für Abendgymnasien,” 15 September 2011: German historian Wolfgang Wipperman accuses Alfred de Zayas of historical revisionism.
  • Rainer Ohliger, German social scientist and historian, reviewing Zayas’ book “A Terrible Revenge” in 1997 German historians’ forum: The “murderous Nazi-German foreign policy that was in place between 1938 and 1945. . . is starkly underemphasized [by Zayas’] book and arouses suspicion that we are dealing with a historical revisionist work.”
UN Watch