25 U.S. congressional leaders urge U.N. to fire Richard Falk

Letters signed by 25 congressional leaders, including House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) have been submitted to President Obama and to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calling for them to take action to remove U.N. Human Rights Council official Richard Falk. 
The announcement by U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA), author of the letters, made reference to the UN Watch list of recent outrages by Mr. Falk.
Kelly stated:

The longer Richard Falk remains with the U.N. Human Rights Council, the longer his twisted anti-American and anti-Israeli views are legitimized. By retaining Mr. Falk in an official capacity, the United Nations is providing cover for the hostile, often conspiratorial sentiments shared by terrorists and rogue nations around the globe — sentiments that most recently manifested in the Boston terrorist attack. Make no mistake: Mr. Falk’s continued presence at the U.N. risks spreading hatred for America and is putting American lives at risk. This is a national security issue. President Obama has a responsibility to stand up for America and demand that Richard Falk’s time at the U.N. be brought to an immediate end. Secretary-General Ban must do the same.

Source: http://kelly.house.gov/press-release/rep-kelly-sends-letters-president-obama-un-secretary-general-ban-urging-firing-richard

UN Watch