Ban Ki-moon visited hospital bed of Richard Lakin, 78-year-old American-Israeli peace activist, after he was shot in the head and stabbed in the face

GENEVA, April 3, 2016 – UN Watch sent the following letter today to UN chief Ban Ki-moon:
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Dear Mr. Secretary-General,
UN Watch is alarmed to see that no less than three United Nations agencies are funding a Palestinian organization which glorifies the terrorist Baha Alyan who shot and stabbed Richard Lakin, the 78-year-old American-Israeli peace activist whom you yourself visited in his hospital bed in October, and who later died from his wounds.
According to Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, “Dozens of female activists and mothers took part in a chain of readers to commemorate Martyr Baha Alyan […] in the presence of the Martyr’s parents. The activity was held in Ibn Rashed square in the center of Hebron, by the Rural Women’s Development Society…” (Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 22, 2016, as translated by Palestinian Media Watch.)
The organizer of this sickening commemoration of a murderer, the “Rural Women’s Development Society,” acknowledges on its website that its funders include three UN agencies: UNDP, the United Nations Population Fund and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
We urge you to condemn the UN funding of this terrorism-supporting organization, and to take immediate action to end it.
Hillel Neuer
Executive Director
UN Watch