Hanaa Om Hossam, Teacher at UNRWA, Celebrates Terrorist Attack

Following is one of the 40 perpetrators identified in UN Watch’s 130-page report entitled “Poisoning Palestinian Children: A Report on UNRWA Teachers’ Incitement to Jihadist Terrorism & Antisemitism.”
Hanaa Om Hossam, who identifies herself on her Facebook profile as a teacher at UNRWA, published the photo below in August 2015. Using images of a flexed bicep and a victory sign, she expressed her support for Maher Al-Hashlamoun, the Islamic Jihad member who stabbed to death 26-year old Israeli woman Dalya Lemkus in November 2014. Al-Hashlamoun can be seen in the photo as he enters court for his trial.
Hossam’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mhanaah

UN Watch