MP Alfred Heer at the International Summit for a Future Beyond UNRWA


Thank you very much for having me. We tried in the Swiss parliament to cut the funding of UNRWA by 20 million, but unfortunately we didn’t have a majority in December, and we were at least able to cut it by 10 million Swiss francs, but it was unspecific. So we were not successful. 

But this debate, of course happened before we had proof that UNRWA is really supporting the terrorists, not only with the schoolbooks, that we know for many years, that they are teaching in school hatred against Jews and glorifying terrorism. 

This now, that they are helping terrorists, that terrorists are working with UNRWA, this is a new dimension. And we hope that there will be a change in Swiss parliament and that we will have in the future a majority to cut the funding and maybe to replace UNRWA – to replace it by another organization, by people that have peace in mind. 

And we hope that cooperation with Israel and other Arabic speaking countries could replace this organization. 

Thanks, everyone for attending, and I think we have also to be able to speak with people from other countries, with other parliamentarians. 

And I’m also a member of the Council of Europe. We hope that we also can make pressure from the side of the Council of Europe that this organization will be abolished.

UN Watch