Press Conf: Dissidents To Contest UNHRC Candidates Ahead of Tuesday’s Election, Opposing China, Russia, Cuba, Saudi, Pakistan


Dissidents To Contest UNHRC Candidates Ahead of Tuesday’s Elections,
Opposing China, Russia, Cuba, Saudi Arabia & Pakistan

NEW YORK, October 7, 2020 — Ahead of next week’s election of 15 new member states to the United Nations Human Rights Council, the independent human rights group UN Watch invites journalists to register for an online briefing and press conference on Friday, October 9th, at 10:00 am Eastern time, featuring leading human rights dissidents from five of the candidate countries: China, Russia, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan.

Program: Briefing On UNHRC Elections and Candidates

• Hillel Neuer, UN Watch Executive Director, to present the Joint NGO Report on UNHRC Elections
• Yang Jianli,
President of Initiatives for China, former political prisoner
Rosa Maria Paya, Cuban human rights activist, daughter of late dissident Oswaldo Paya
Vladimir Kara-Murza, Russian democracy activist and vice president of the Free Russia Foundation
Taha Siddiqui, Award-winning Pakistani journalist exiled in Paris, attacked for criticizing the military
Saudi Arabian dissident TBD

REGISTRATION: This event is exclusively for accredited media. To request access to the online video press conference, please contact Hilary Miller at

UN Watch