UN: Don't Elect China to Human Rights Council

China is running for a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council

China’s official UN campaign pledge includes the following absurd claims:

  • China attaches “great importance” to “promoting and protecting” human rights.
  • China has worked actively to “guarantee people’s rights to be informed”, to participate in public affairs, to “express their views” and to “supervise government work.”
  • Freedom of religious belief is “fully guaranteed.”
  • The “right of ethnic minorities to equal participation” in the management of State and society is guaranteed.
  • The Chinese people enjoy more “extensive democratic rights and freedoms” in accordance with the law, and “legal guarantees for human rights”

Full text: China’s Absurd Campaign Pledge

Watch: Former Political Prisoner Yang Jianli Opposes China Election to UNHRC:

UN Watch