UN Watch Launches Petition Campaign to Urge Countries to Stop Voting Against Israel

Note: See country petitions below to take action now.

GENEVA, November 25, 2020 — Over the next month, France, Germany and the UK will join numerous other countries in singling out Israel through disproportionate and one-sided resolutions, while neglecting the plight of millions of human rights victims worldwide. UN Watch today launched a global campaign to urge countries to stop demonizing Israel at the UN.

Before clicking on the country petitions below, here are three key points about the resolutions to keep in mind.

1. The UN Resolutions on Israel are Disproportionate

The numbers alone reveal the UN’s irrational obsession with one nation. In its current 75th session, the UN General Assembly will adopt one resolution on Iran, one on Syria, one on North Korea — and 17 on Israel.

In total, there will be 17 resolutions on Israel, and 7 for the rest of the world combined.

Even those who deem Israel deserving of criticism cannot dispute that this amounts to an extreme case of selective prosecution.

2. The UN Resolutions on Israel Are One-Sided

Israel is not beyond legitimate criticism. The UN resolutions, however, are biased and one-sided. For example, one resolution uses only the Islamic term “Haram al-Sharif” to describe Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, ignoring Jewish and Christian religion and history.

Another resolution calls on Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights, while completely ignoring genocidal massacres taking place now in Syria, and its security implications for Israel and the civilians of the Golan Heights.

Other resolutions about Palestinian rights condemn Israel while failing to mention Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians. The texts blame only Israel for a lack of peace, and adopt the Palestinian narrative wholesale at the expense of legitimate Israeli rights.

3. The UN Resolutions on Israel Divert the World’s Attention From Victims Worldwide

When universal standards are applied so selectively, they cease to become standards at all. By disproportionately focusing on Israel to such an extreme degree, the UN neglects the plight of millions of human rights victims around the world.

The UNGA will be so focused on debating and voting on 17 resolutions against Israel that they will have no time to introduce a single resolution for human rights victims who desperately need the world’s attention in places like China, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Turkey, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Iraq, Vietnam and Yemen. More than 170 other countries will also go ignored.

Click here to see all the resolutions on Israel that have been adopted, or that are expected to be adopted at this year’s UN General Assembly.


Please urge your country to uphold the UN’s founding principles by ending support for the UN’s obsessive scapegoating of the world’s only Jewish state. It is time for the UN to put an end to bigotry and prejudice, and to promote the human rights of all.

Click on your country below to sign the petition to your government. If your country is not listed, you can find it on the brand new UN Watch Database, under “Take Action.”


Urge the United Kingdom to vote against anti-Israel UN resolutions

Stop Danmarks støtte til FNs forskelsbehandling af Israel

Beëindig de Nederlandse ondersteuning voor het eenzijdig uitlichten van Israël

Ukončete podporu České republiky ve věci diskriminace Izraele Organizací spojených národů

Arrêt du soutien de la France à la stigmatisation d’Israël par les Nations Unies

Arrêt du soutien de la Belgique à la stigmatisation d’Israël par les Nations Unies

Arrêt du soutien  de la Suisse  à la stigmatisation d’Israël par les Nations Unies

Poner fin al apoyo de España a la ONU para discriminar a Israel

Deutsche Unterstützung für die Isolierung Israels durch die Vereinten Nationen beenden

Österreichische Unterstützung für die Isolierung Israels durch die Vereinten Nationen been

Lopeta Suomen tuki YK: n singlingille Israelista

Avsluta Sveriges stöd för FN:s diskriminering mot Israel

Termine del Sostegno dell’Italia alla Discriminazione dell’ONU di Israele

Poner fin al apoyo de México a la ONU para discriminar a Israel

Poner fin al apoyo de Argentina a la ONU para discriminar a Israel


UN Watch