UNGA to ratify 2012 Human Rights Council decisions tomorrow

Through the resolution below, set for adoption on Dec. 20, the U.N. General Assembly will formally ratify all of the 2012 resolutions and decisions — many of them despicable — of the U.N. Human Rights Council.
The Report of the Human Rights Council incorporates by reference the decisions referenced in A/HRC/19/2 (including the appointment of Alfred De Zayas, a hero to Holocaust deniers; see p. 316), A/HRC/20/21 and A/HRC/S-19/2, while the Addendum incorporates decisions referenced in A/HRC/21/2.

Draft resolution A/C.3/67/L.59

Report of the Human Rights Council

The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 60/251 of 15 March 2006, by which it established the Human Rights Council, and 65/281 of 17 June 2011, by which it reviewed the Council,
Recalling also its resolutions 62/219 of 22 December 2007, 63/160 of 18 December 2008, 64/143 of 18 December 2009, 65/195 of 21 December 2010 and 66/136 of 19 December 2011,
Having considered the recommendations contained in the report of the Human Rights Council (*)
1.  Takes note of the report of the Human Rights Council, including the addendum thereto, and its recommendations.
*  Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 53 and corrigendum (A/67/53 and Corr.1) and Supplement No. 53A (A/67/53/Add.1).
UN Watch