Indian Coverage: U.N. elects Saudi Arabia to Women’s Rights Commission

India Today: Despite male guardianship system, Saudi Arabia gets elected to UN women’s rights commission
Quoting UN Watch: 

The election happened in a secret vote during the UN’s Economic and Social Council, according to UN Watch- a non-governmental body that monitors the United Nations.
“Electing Saudi Arabia to protect women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief,” tweeted Executive Director Hillel Neuer.

Kurdistan24: Rights group concerned over Saudi women’s rights commission vote
Quoting UN Watch:

In a statement following the decision, director of the Geneva-based UN Watch Hillel Neuer expressed his concerns regarding the result.
“Electing Saudi Arabia to protect women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief,” Neuer said.
The director added the vote was “absurd” considering Saudi Arabia’s reputation for violating women’s rights.
“Every Saudi woman must have a male guardian who makes all critical decisions on her behalf, controlling a women’s life from her birth until death,” Neuer continued.


UN Watch