Mohamad Fahed, Employee at UNRWA’s Siblin Training Center, Endorses Hamas, Murder of Three Jewish Boys

Following is one of the 40 perpetrators identified in UN Watch’s 130-page report entitled “Poisoning Palestinian Children: A Report on UNRWA Teachers’ Incitement to Jihadist Terrorism & Antisemitism.”
Mohamad Fahed lists himself as an employee of the United Nations and as an instructor within the Maths/Science Section of UNRWA’s Siblin Training Center. He endorses Hamas, and shared a post celebrating Hamas’ June 2014 kidnapping and murdering of three Jewish teenage boys.
Fahed has posted endorsements of Hamas, such as Image 1He has also posted a picture of a Palestinian boy holding up three fingers towards Israeli soldiers, Image 2, a symbol that is widely recognized as a celebration of the death of three Jewish boys whom Hamas operatives kidnapped and murdered in June 2014. This post highlights that UNRWA’s Siblin Training Center is a hotbed of extremism, as numerous teachers and students at UNRWA, or at UNRWA’s Siblin Training Center, all “liked” the photo. Extremism is mainstream within this UNRWA circle, as can be seen in Image 3 – Image 9.
Mohamad Fahed’s Facebook:

Update (March 2017): 

On March 22, 2017, Fahed mourned the the death of Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin, on the 13th anniversary of the terrorist leader’s death. Image 1

Image 1

In a recent post from March 9, 2017, Fahed shared a post which calls for Jews to “go back to Europe where they came from,” which he echoed in his own words. Image 2

Image 2


UN Watch