Following is one of the 40 perpetrators identified in UN Watch’s 130-page report entitled “Poisoning Palestinian Children: A Report on UNRWA Teachers’ Incitement to Jihadist Terrorism & Antisemitism.”
Mohammad Alsayyed, who identifies himself on his Facebook profile as an Assistant Head Teacher at UNRWA, features numerous violent posts on his public Facebook page, all in gross breach of UNRWA’s duty of neutrality.
Below, Image 1 shows Hadar Goldin, an IDF officer captured and killed by Hamas.
In Image 2, this senior UNRWA teacher praises the “awesome kidnapping” of three Israeli teenagers famously killed in a Hamas terrorist operation which precipitated the 2014 Gaza war, and shows Gilad Shalit, the IDF soldier kidnapped from Israel in 2006 and held incommunicado in Gaza for five years.
Image 3 shows the UNRWA teacher presenting an award to a student— including a banner that erases Israel from the map.
Mr. Alsayyed’s Facebook page: